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Was the Human Brain Designed? or was it an Accident?

The key brain cells--the neurons--do not actually touch one another. They are separated by synapses, tiny spaces less than one millionth of an inch across. These gaps are bridged by chemicals called neurotransmitters, 30 of which are known, but the brain may possess many more. These chemical signals are received at one end of the neuron by a maze of tiny filaments called dendrites. The signals are then transmitted at the other end of the neuron signals are electrical, but across the gaps they are chemical. Thus, the transmission of nerve signals is same strength, but the intensity of the signal depends upon the frequency of the impulses, which may be as high as one thousand a second. For the whole entire article of this subject click on this link to continue learning about the complexity of the brain. The Human Miracle — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (


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