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Some Mazes Have Geometric Complex Patterns in Them, Also Some Living Creatures Have Complex Patterns on Their Bodies as Well

As you look at the peacock feather, a spider, a frog, a lizard, a fish, and a butterfly on these compiled photos. Then what do these living creatures all have in common with one another? well? they all have complex patterns on them which cries out design. Imagine that someone took a paintbrush and painted those colorful patterns on these living creatures as if they were canvases. It would be hard to accept that all the complex patterns on these living creatures just appeared on them by accident. If anyone would accept it as an accident would be inexcusable. This one scripture pretty much sums it up. Romans 1:20- For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable.] I ask of you as a recommendation or a suggestion to start yourself a Bible-Study with Jehovah's Witnesses of a place, day, and time that is best convenient for you. To start a Bible Study, go to JW.ORG best regards.


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