
About MeiroKodo
The Founding Face of MeiroKodo belongs to Stephanie Quanel. Stephanie has always had an interest in secret codes, encrypted messages, and enigmatic symbols. And her fondness for mazes began at the age of 8 when her mother started drawing them for her. Stephanie says she's never liked the computer-generated mazes because they lack that "personal touch" which makes them unique. Back in 2004 Stephanie had the idea to combine these two passions of hers together, and came up with the name "MeiroKodo" in order to present it for her books. Mazes and codes don't just fascinate Stephanie, either. For thousands of years, we have always been mesmerized by mazes and the unique challenge that comes with solving them. From exploring nature's caves, we then started creating our own types of mazes by drawing, building, and even growing them ourselves. It's been this innate curiosity which has driven us to explore our world and beyond. And science has proven that solving mazes, whether they're life-size or simply drawn on paper, is beneficial for developing and maintaining our cognitive ability of navigation and spatial memory. The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe of our brain, and is an older part of our brain from an evolutionary standpoint. It's what allows us to negotiate our environment. The hippoampus also plays a very important part in our ability to form new memories. Psychologically speaking, secret codes have always brought about an allure and satisfaction when we can decipher them. And by solving them, they present us with an opportunity that uniquely challenges and develops both our logical and linguistic abilities at the same time. MeiroKodo is a unique venue that combines the concepts of both of these activities into one experience that is not only beneficial, but challenging and extremely fun all at the same time. If anyone does Facebook then you can find the Meirokodo Facebook Page by clicking this link here: (6) Facebook