Hirschi IB High School Maze Art

This very last Graduation of the class of 2024 marks the end of the Hirschi High School for all time. A verse from the Bible says as of an expression in scripture that the End represents death, and the Beginning represents birth, however in the ashes of death comes out new birth. Like a forest fire purges all the fully grown trees reducing them to ashes so new seeds of the previous tree can grow out as sprouts ushering a new generation of trees for the future. Or what it says in Ecclesiastes 7:1 that is: better is death afterward than one's birth] Out of the ashes of Hirschi high along with other schools emerges out a new school that will be worked and refined out of the ashes like a new blade of a sword. And a sword in biblical language represents light of God's Word the Bible. So, in other words a new blade of a School will emerge teaching future students' vital knowledge that they need to get a kick start in their life when they graduate. So, the best of fortunate times to come to the class of the Huskies, because once a huskie always a huskie.