Guinness World Records of World's Largest Drawn Maze by Michelle Boggess-Nunley
This Hand-Drawn-Solvable-Maze-Art' is 1126,3 square feet. And was announced on 11/05/2020 being official Guinness World Record of the Largest Drawn Maze. Matt's Amazing Mazes congratulates Michelle on a Job well done for all time.

Michelle is one of the greatest Maze Artists I ever come across, another great one is Matthew Haussler I had him made me a custom art maze for me in order to help kick start him to his journey of success of his maze art career. Even awhile back at one point in time Matthew Haussler hold that record for the G.W.R. of the Largest Maze however there are competitors like Michelle that takes the cake. Watch this timelapse video as you watch with your own eyes as she creates this masterpiece of maze art: Click Here -- Guinness World Record | Largest Drawn Maze | Michelle Boggess-Nunley (