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Eternal Torment Must be Wrong Because God is Love Which is Found in 1John.4:8

True meaning of Gehenna Symbolic illustration:

2Thessalonians 1:8- in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.]

Literal Meaning of Gehenna:

John 3:36- The one who exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life, the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.

History and explanation of Gehenna- the Greek name for the Valley of Hinnom, southwest of ancient Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 7:31) It was prophetically spoken of as a place where dead bodies would be strewn. (Jeremiah 7:32; 19:6) There is no evidence that animals or humans were thrown into Gehenna to be burned alive or tormented. So, the place could not symbolize an invisible region where human souls are tormented eternally in literal fire. Rather, Gehenna was used by Jesus and his disciples to symbolize the eternal punishment of ''second death,'' that is, everlasting destruction, annihilation. - Revelation 20:14; Matthew 5:22; 10:28]

Jesus did not teach that people will experience eternal punishment while being alive-forever, whereas it says in (John 3:36) such ones will: not see life. And sometimes Jesus and followers use illustrations that are not literal to bring out the words of truth in word pictures such as an example: Like a message on a paper has wicked sayings going against the true God. So, what should happen to that piece of paper, well? It should then be thrown into the fire as being destroyed or annihilated. It would be impossible for the peace of paper to exist in the fire forever for it will only be reduced to ashes like it never existed in the first place. Same with wicked people they will be unconscious of nothing at all for all time. Like that wicked message that was written on that paper against the true God been reduced to ashes for all time. In Matthew 13:34 the Scripture brings out: All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them.] Please go to it is a site of biblical education. Free to use nothing out of pocket and serves as an aid to help you understand your bible clearer. However, don't just accept things as truth right off the bat or immediately. take caution when you do your research, Pray to the only True God. and take note of this one scripture. 1John 4:1= beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement but test the inspired statements to see rather they originate with God for many false prophets has gone forth into the world.] Peace and happiness on your journey to the truth. go to this link it will redirect you to the Bible Educational Website that I mentioned it is a video that will discuss further on this subject, click here Is Hell a Real Place of Torment? (



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