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Do You Maze? by Jason Roush

Click Here- Do you maze? -ereH kcilC

Jason Roush is a fellow maze artist that do digital-programming-Solvable-Mazes. I contacted him and told him about my interest in his maze artwork. So, he messaged me back and take note on what he said: Thank you for the note. Cool hand drawn mazes. I started hand drawn and now I love to use programs to help me make more complicated designs. I still appreciate the skill that goes into designing hand drawn mazes. I like to think all those mistakes I made in pen helped me become more patient (after the frustration). And I checked out your YouTube - I have a long way to go before I catch-up to you! Good luck! What had inspired him to draw mazes is another maze artist that he looked up too. He expressed to me. This maze artist that inspires him is named: K Lars Lohn, which is known as a revolutionary-maze artist. Jason Roush and K Lars Lohn are pros and make very complicated hard to solve mazes. Anyway, here is a link to his Facebook page and YouTube Channel. YouTube Channel Click Here: (1) doyoumaze? - YouTube For his Website click the link above the big Title above which says: Do you MAZE? feel free all you maze artists and maze art lovers to comment and express your interest, so I can better improve what matters most to this site. Peace and Happiness



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