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John Whiting the Maze Artist

John Whiting is a lifelong resident of Schuyler County, New York, and grew up near Rock Stream, two miles west of Seneca Lake.

As an artist, John Whiting has been wearing two distinctly different hats for many years.

His creation of maze designs began thirty-some years ago, when he was intrigued by an interwoven pathways maze drawn by Lewis Carroll, reproduced in Martin Gardner’s "Mathematical Recreations" column in Scientific American. Carroll’s maze was awkward, and he wondered if he could make something like it that was graceful. Drawing on ideas from Celtic manuscript illumination and various geometrical forms, he has continued to explore the possibilities of the knotted line as an art object ever since. The book Knotted Lines – The Mazes of John Whiting is the first publication of his work. Here is a Link to his maze Website

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