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Rise The Maze Above You

People feel trap in this world of endless suffering and confusion, We are rats in this test tube of this world. I mean the figurative world. where human direction is a failure. Both in the Worldwide Political of Governments and Family Life. This world is liken to a maze , an endless ongoing maze without a end or way out. So the question is this. How can we beat or solve this maze. By deep study of Godly Direction applied into our lives, when we do this very thing it is like we are rising the maze above our heads , where it will stay permanently up their in the sky , only as long as we continue our studies of God's Word the Holy Bible is liken to this maze world above our heads if we were to read the good book. Thus we can beat the maze in any direction getting out of it to time indefinite , only as long as the maze is above our heads that is.

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