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Matthew Haussler the Revelutionary Maze Artist Matthew is a Maze Artist who has taken the Art Maze Form to the next extreme level. He first contacted me on my Facebook Page called Matt's Amazing mazes. Noticed what he has said to me in a Facebook Message : I am another Matthew who draws mazes. We also found out later that our day of birth is on the same month and the same day of the date, however our birth year is not the same . But is it cool that both our names are Matthew. Almost Identical Birth Date and we both draw Art Mazes. Well come on something like that hardly ever happen to two people who just happen to cross paths on a social networking site. He have a Facebook Page call Matthew's mazes as well of a website with the same name title. He has over succeed his goal of reaching over 5 thousand likes on the Facebook Page : Matthew's Mazes. He is on the verge of starting up and publishing his first Hand Drawn Art Maze Book. And starting up his online store on Matthew's Mazes Website during the fall season in 2014.

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